Vocal support for paid sick leave in Seattle

UPDATE: July 7 at SeattlePI.com — Supporters cheer for mandate for Seattle paid sick leave — A packed room of vocal supporters cheered a government proposal Wednesday that would make employers give Seattle workers paid sick leave, largely drowning out business groups that oppose the plan. City Councilmember Nick Licata proposed the ordinance last month, for the roughly 200,000 Seattle workers who get no paid sick leave.

SEATTLE (July 6) — Today, the Seattle community will get its first opportunity to speak directly to City Council members about the importance of passing the Seattle paid sick days ordinance this summer. Supporters of healthy workplaces are urged to attend the council’s meeting at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 600 4th Ave. (Sign in to speak at 5 p.m.)


The Seattle Coalition for a Healthy Workforce explains why paid sick day standards are so important:

Public health – 190,000 workers in Seattle don’t get a single paid sick day, including most restaurant workers and half of retail workers. They have to choose between going to work sick or getting a pay check.

Children’s health and education – the parents of 28% of kids in Seattle public schools don’t have paid sick days, meaning those kids don’t get the preventative care they need and too often have to go to school sick.

Social justice – Low income workers, women, people of color, and immigrants bear the lion’s share of the costs for our current “voluntary” system – but we all pay a price.

Small business owners agree – Seattle’s proposed ordinance is the result of a unique collaboration between advocates and small business owners. It’s good for workers, good for business, and benefits our whole community.

For more information, see The Stand’s May 9 posting: Paid sick leave sought for workers in Seattle.

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