Stand together with Macy’s workers in May

They Are the Magic Behind Macy’s.

They work hard to provide customers at Macy’s seven unionized stores in northwest Washington with quality, dependable service. And right now, they are in negotiations with Macy’s management to try to get a fair contract to replace the one that expires Monday, April 30.

Macy’s employees are standing together to achieve enough hours at decent pay, affordable health care, and dependable scheduling and sick days so they can have a life outside of work to take care of themselves and their families.

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 21 is urging all fellow union members and community supporters to show solidarity with these Macy’s workers — and with all working Moms. In the days preceding and including Mother’s Day, there will be actions at each of the seven Macy’s stores from Bellingham to Federal Way:

May 2 at 11:30 a.m. — Northgate Macy’s, 401 NE Northgate Way, Seattle

May 3 at 11:30 a.m. — Bellingham Macy’s, 50 Bellis Fair Parkway, Bellingham

May 7 at 11:30 a.m. — SouthCenter Macy’s, 500 SouthCenter Mall, Tukwila

May 8 at 11:30 a.m. — Downtown Seattle Macy’s, 1601 3rd Ave., Seattle

May 9 at 11:30 a.m. — Everett Macy’s, 1502 SE Everett Mall Way, Everett

May 10 at 11:30 a.m. — Federal Way Macy’s, 1901 S. Commons, Federal Way

May 13 (Mother’s Day) at 3 p.m. — 18700 Alderwood Mall Blvd., Lynnwood

NOTE: Supporters are particularly encouraged to come to the Mother’s Day action on May 13, which culminates the two weeks of actions. Also, please note the different start time.

Increasingly, Macy’s is moving toward a part-time workforce.  As a result, their employees struggle to earn a livable income and often find they do not receive enough hours to qualify for health care coverage.  Even if they do qualify, the coverage is usually unaffordable. Work schedules are not dependable, with the number of hours and timing of those hours varying from week to week. Workers are even disciplined for missing work when they are sick.

  • Macy’s workers are seeking a fair contract that includes the following:
  • Equitable wages and sufficient hours to provide a livable income
  • Affordable health care for workers and their dependents
  • Consistent work schedules that allow adequate time for family and community involvement
  • Extending the benefits of Seattle’s new Paid Sick Days law to Macy’s workers outside of Seattle

Your participation as a member of the community at the May events will help show widespread support for all union Macy’s workers in the region as they stand together for a fair contract.

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