‘Unite Against the War on Women’ events across U.S.

UPDATE (Apr. 29) — The “Unite Against the War on Women” events were held across the nation on Saturday. Here are the remarks delivered at the Seattle event by Lynne Dodson, Secretary Treasurer of the Washington State Labor Council.

This Saturday, April 28, members and supporters of the Coalition of Labor Union Women will be joining with other social justice advocates in “Unite Against The War on Women” demonstrations across the country. The goal is to bring voices of women labor union members to these important events standing up for women’s equality, dignity and right to make decisions about one’s own health care.

Rallies, marches, and protests are planned are planned nationwide. Here are the ones planned Saturday in Washington state:

at Westlake Park, 400 Pine St.
Noon to 3 p.m.
(Among the guest speakers: Lynne Dodson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Washington State Labor Council)

Sylvester Park, Capitol Way & Legion Way
Meet at the park at noon and march to the north steps of the Legislative Building for a rally until 3 p.m.

Riverfront Park, 507 N. Howard
1 p.m. until ?

Unite Against The War on Women is a grassroots movement. Each local group is planning its own activities. You can get involved by connecting with your state or local group. Please check out the website to get information about activities in your community:

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