
Arledge resigns; Mosqueda now Government Affairs Director

(May 1, 2013) — Rebecca Johnson Arledge, Government Affairs Director for the Washington State Labor Council, has resigned her position after serving as a legislative advocate for workplace rights and standards with the WSLC since 2008. Her last day was Tuesday, April 30.

“Rebecca has been a fierce and articulate advocate in the Legislature for workers and the council’s affiliated unions these past five years,” said WSLC President Jeff Johnson. “She has become an expert on workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, employment standards, and so much more. Under Rebecca’s leadership we have significantly improved our affiliates’ exposure to the legislative process and have won both legislative and administrative gains for the labor movement. Her steady hand and wise counsel will be missed.”

Arledge said, “I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to work for the 400,000 working families we represent and to be a part of awesome United Labor Lobby. I’m looking forward to working together on progressive causes in the future.”

Effective today, WSLC Legislative and Policy Director Teresa Mosqueda will serve as Government Affairs Director and continue to work with the council’s core lobbying team in Olympia. Since joining the WSLC in 2011, Mosqueda has been the lead on health care policy and has served as Chair of the Healthy Washington Coalition, the state’s largest health advocacy group.

Teresa was appointed by the Governor to represent workers in Washington and the Healthy Washington Coalition on the Health Insurance Exchange Board and now serves as Chair of the Exchange Public Policy Committee.  Teresa represents the labor council on the Unemployment Insurance Advisory Committee, the Human Trafficking Task Force, and works with affiliates and community partners to staff the Stop Wage Theft Coalition and the Farmworker Coalition.

“Over the last two years I have had the honor to work along side affiliated unions and community partners in the fight for social justice and workers’ rights,” Mosqueda said. “I look forward to continuing this work and advancing our priorities together in this new role.”

After the 2013 legislative sessions conclude, the WSLC will begin its search for a new Legislative and Policy Director. In the meantime, the council is fortunate to be able to retain intern Katie Garrow through June 2013.

The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, is the largest union organization in the state, representing the interests of more than 600 local unions with approximately 400,000 rank-and-file union members. For more information, visit www.wslc.org.

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