WSLC commends Reichert for backing pathway to citizenship

(Aug. 9, 2013) — In an interview on KVI Radio on Thursday, U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Auburn) came out in favor of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, joining some two dozen of his House Republican colleagues who have broken ranks with their caucus leadership. He said that Congress must “build a solution around the 12 million (undocumented immigrants) that are here,” many of whom arrived decades ago.

“I want to thank Congressman Dave Reichert for his public statement yesterday that he supports immigration reform and an earned pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrant workers in the U.S.,” said Jeff Johnson, President of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. “The labor, business, grower, immigrant rights and faith communities have had good discussions with Congressman Reichert over the past eight months and his public statement yesterday not only shows that he was listening but that he wants to be a leader on what is the most important civil and economic rights issue of our day. We commend him for this position and ask him to help persuade other Republican members of Washington State’s Congressional Delegation and other Republicans in Congress to allow a vote in the House on comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.”


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