Follow 2014 legislative session at The Stand

OLYMPIA (Jan. 13, 2014) — Today is the opening day of the Washington State Legislature’s 2014 session. If you want to get the latest news and information from Olympia that hasn’t passed through the conservative corporate media filter, make sure you stay tuned to The Stand to get the latest news and updates. Here’s how:

1. Check The Stand online every weekday morning after 10 a.m. The latest news and headlines on Legislative and other issues affecting Washington’s working families are posted every day by that time.

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4. Please share The Stand with fellow union members, friends and family who might like to get some news from a progressive populist source of information, for a change. You can forward our emails to them along with a note urging them to subscribe. You can also download, print and share a flier explaining how. If your union would like to subscribe its executive board, staff, stewards and/or rank-and-file members to The Stand, email David Groves about how to get that done.

If you get your legislative news from the dwindling Capitol press corp of commercial media, expect more profiles aggrandizing self-proclaimed “moderates” who are tone deaf to the national debate over income inequality and instead plan to push legislation to get rid of public employees’ pensions and weaken the safety net for injured workers and their families.

If, however, you are interested in progressive legislation intended to address income inequality and promote shared prosperity in Washington, and efforts to oppose anti-working family legislation like the bills described above, stay tuned to The Stand. For example, the Washington State Labor Council, the state’s largest union organization representing the interests of some 400,000 rank-and-file union members, will be formally announcing its 2014 legislative agenda on Thursday. You can be the first to read about it that morning at The Stand.

Also, if you have issues you’d like to see covered in The Stand or if you would like to submit news stories and opinion columns about legislative issues affecting working families, contact us and let us know.

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