Join ‘March for $15’ this Saturday, March 15 in Seattle

SEATTLE — 15 Now, the coalition that supports raising Seattle’s minimum wage to $15 an hour, will hold a March for $15 this Saturday, March 15. All union members and community supporters are urged to participate in this important demonstration of public support for the campaign. Meet at 1 p.m. Saturday at Judkins Park, 2150 S. Norman St., for the march to Seattle Central Community College. RSVP here.

At last week’s public hearing on $15, Seattle workers made it known — they need and deserve a minimum wage of $15 an hour. This followed a poll showing 68% of Seattle voters support a full $15 now. Combined with the passage of SeaTac Prop 1, the election of Kshama Sawant to the Seattle City Council after she boldly campaigned for $15, and Mayor Ed Murray, who has pledged Seattle will be the first major city in the U.S. to have $15, and what we have is a “historic moment” to win a major victory for working people.

Winning a $15 minimum wage will improve the lives of tens of thousands of workers and their families, and revive Seattle-area small businesses and the local economy. A win in Seattle can begin to turn the tide and spark a national movement for better wages, working conditions, and unionization.

But this victory is not guaranteed. Big business interests are fighting back by pushing to legalize “tip penalties” that allow employers to deduct tips from their minimum wage obligation, as well as other maneuvers to undermine $15 with loopholes and delays.

Winning $15 in 2014 will require everyone’s active participation. We will never be able to outspend business, but we have something far more powerful than money, we have the people power.

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