
‘Declare Independence’ PAC training May 9

SEATTLE — As U.S. Supreme Court rulings continue to dismantle campaign finance laws and further empower corporate interests and America’s most wealthy, labor organizations must evolve to support champions for working families. That’s why many of Washington’s unions will be shifting their political action in 2014 beyond their membership and into the community.

Make sure your union organization is ready! The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO invites all its affiliated unions to attend “Declare Independence.” This special training conducted by labor attorney Dmitri Iglitzin is for unions that have (or want to set up) PACs/segregated funds and will include a focus on the rules for independent expenditures. The training will be Friday, May 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. (registration starts at 12:30 p.m.) at the Machinists District 751 Hall, 9135 15th Pl. South in Seattle. The cost is $100 per participant and includes all materials.

The following day, Saturday, May 10, the WSLC’s COPE Convention will be held at the same location.

Attend the “Declare Independence” training and find out the latest on state and federal campaign finance laws and rules, IRS requirements of PACs/SSFs; reporting requirements for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists; new DOL reporting rules for PACs/SSFs; and more.

Download, print and return the “Declare Independence” registration form to sign up. For more information, email WSLC Political Director Karen Deal or call 206-281-8901.

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