Stand with Walmart workers Wednesday in Mt. Vernon, Lynnwood

walmart-momsAs part of a national day of action to call attention to Walmart’s low wages and anti-family work policies, join the “Walmart Moms” protesting this Wednesday, June 4 at Walmarts in Mount Vernon and Lynnwood. Union members and community supporters are encouraged to show their solidarity outside the Mt. Vernon Walmart, 2301 Freeway Dr.  from 7 to 8 a.m., and outside the Lynnwood Walmart, 1400 164th SW  from 11 a.m. to noon.

Walmart claims to be a family-friendly employer, but the working moms employed there tell a different story. The majority of jobs at the nation’s largest employer pay less than $25,000 a year. Many of those jobs are part-time and have erratic scheduling that keeps hardworking women and men from being able to support their families.

On Wednesday, Walmart workers nationwide are standing up and calling on the company to publicly commit to:

► $25,000 a year for full time work
► Good jobs and fair labor standards
► Reinstate fired workers
► End retaliation against workers

This Friday, June 6, Walmart Moms from across the country will head to the Walmart headquarters for the retailer’s annual shareholder meeting to deliver the same message.

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