Alaska flight attendants rally TODAY… (and light posting)

AFA-CWA_logoSEATAC (Aug. 27, 2014) — Alaska Airlines flight attendants represented by AFA-CWA Council 19 in Seattle will rally TODAY from 4 to 6 p.m. at Alaska Air’s corporate HQ, 19300 International Blvd. in SeaTac, and at Sea-Tac International Airport, 17801 International Blvd.

The flight attendants’ contract negotiations began more than two years ago. In February, Alaska flight attendants overwhelmingly voted to reject a tentative agreement on a new contract. On Wednesday, new negotiations will resume under federal mediation between AFA and management on a new contract. For more information about negotiations, email AFA’s Corey Caldwell or call him at at 202-434-0586. For more information about the SeaTac actions, email Laura Masserant.

That’s it.

It’s Moving Day(s) for The Entire Staff of The Stand™ so there will be no daily news posted today. Barring unforeseen complications with the move, we hope to return to at least light posting on Thursday. Stay tuned!

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