Map shows that Washington state is united for fair revenue

OLYMPIA (May 26, 2015) — This Thursday marks the end of the first special session, and there is still no budget agreement in sight. House Democrats are seeking new revenue that makes the wealthiest and big corporations “pay their fair share” and Senate Republicans continue rallying around their “no new taxes” slogan.

Polling of Washington voters has shown that at least half express approval for increasing state tax revenues, believing that wealthy households and corporations do not pay their fair share in state taxes. On fact, there is widespread support, across all of Washington’s 49 districts, for raising fair revenue to support critical services including education, senior services, parks, and mental health care.

Check out this interactive map from Washington United for Fair revenue, a shareable tool with pop-up statements from supporters of fair revenue in all 49 districts across the state.

The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO is urging all union members and community supporters to help send legislators a message: Our state can’t afford to keep the nation’s most unfair tax system in place for another year.

TAKE A STAND!Email this map to your legislators. In one easy step, you can share this interactive map showing Washington is united for fair revenue with your three legislators, plus four key Senate budget negotiators. Please do it today!

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