Take action urging U.S. Senators to vote NO

fast-track-murray-cantwellThis is it!

A pivotal vote on “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority is expected to happen on Tuesday, June 23 in the U.S. Senate. This time, it’s on a significantly worse version of the bill than the one that passed the Senate last month with the support of Washington Democratic Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.

The new version of Fast Track that narrowly passed the House on June 18 strips Trade Adjustment Assistance for workers whose jobs are shipped overseas, removes language preventing America’s trading partners from engaging in slavery and human trafficking, and blocks all climate change issues from being addressed in trade agreements.

If this new, even worse version of Fast Track passes on Tuesday, it will be signed into law by President Obama and will grease the skids for more NAFTA-like “free trade” deals that kill jobs and suppress wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


1) Please call our senators directly — Sen. Patty Murray (202-224-2621) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (202-224-3441) — and urge them to vote NO on Fast Track cloture (which would end debate if 60 senators vote “yes”), and if debate ends, to vote NO on the bill itself.

2) Attend a NO on Fast Track vigil Monday night, June 22 outside the senators’ Seattle offices from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave. Download and share this vigil flier. For more information, contact email Gillian Locascio of the Washington Fair Trade Coalition or call her at 206-227-3079.

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