Keep calling Congress to urge: NO on Fast Track!

UPDATE (June 4, 2015) — Missed the National Fast Track Call-In Day on June 3? No worries. You can still call the AFL-CIO’s toll-free hotline at 1-855-712-8441 to get patched through to your U.S. Representative and urge him/her to vote “no” on the Fast Track/TPA bill.

UPDATE (June 3, 2015) — Today’s the day! Call toll-free at 1-855-712-8441 and urge your U.S. Representative to vote “no” on the Fast Track/TPA bill. Even if you’ve made this call before, do it again today to make sure your Representative gets the message to Stop Fast Track!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Get ready for Wednesday, June 3.

That’s the National “Stop Fast Track” Call-In Day when union members and community allies across America will be calling their members of Congress to urge them to oppose Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority legislation that greases the skids for more NAFTA-like trade deals that kill jobs and suppress wages in America.

TAKE A STANDPrint and share/post this flier urging your family, friends and co-workers to call toll-free 1-855-712-8441 and urge their U.S. Representative to vote “no” on the Fast Track/TPA bill. Even if you’ve made this call before, do it again on June 3 to make sure your Representative gets the message to Stop Fast Track!

Any trade deal is going to have a huge impact on America’s workers. And we want to make sure that future trade deals protect U.S. jobs, don’t give multinational corporations unfair advantages, don’t harm the environment or turn a blind eye to countries that abuse workers.

But Fast Track legislation that will be considered by the U.S. House of representatives this month allows corporate power brokers to shape trade deals to their advantage and shields the details from the public and policy experts alike.

What’s worse, it drains $700 million from the Medicare system — which America’s workers and employers have paid for their entire working careers — to finance assistance for people who lose their jobs because of the trade deals. Those Medicare cuts were an idea first proposed by our own Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA).

So on Wednesday, June 3, we intend to flood Congress with calls from the people who’ve been paying the heavy price for these trade deals. Spread the word today — and tomorrow, take a stand!

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