After mistreatment, Cash & Carry workers set Friday union vote

OLYMPIA (Nov. 18, 2015) — Workers at the Cash & Carry wholesale grocer at 1010 Fones Road in Olympia, will be voting for better working conditions, better pay and better benefits on Friday, Nov. 20.

TAKE A STAND! — Show your solidarity with the Cash & Carry workers by printing this sign and taking a selfie describing your support and texting it to 253-391-6197. It will be forwarded to the workers. For union members and community supporters in the Olympia area, visits to the store in support are also appreciated. For other volunteer opportunities until Nov. 20, please call/text Renee at 253-391-6197.

Workers have reported blocked fire doors, standing water on floors, and ice coating the concrete freezer floor. These conditions have lead to injuries. Being a part of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 367 would provide them with an opportunity to make positive changes in their workplace. Cash & Carry employees are also fighting for dignity in retirement, as well as fairness in their daily scheduling and pay.

The union reports that management has hired a former union organizer as a union buster in an attempt to keep the employees from voting for the security of UFCW membership and the safeguards put in place by a signed legal and binding contract.

UFCW Local 367 members — 7,000 strong and growing — work in Pierce, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Mason, Thurston, and Pacific counties in Washington state. The union represents workers in retail grocery, retail meat, clothing/textile, pharmacy, furniture, jewelry, and shoes. They also represent health care workers and hairstylists.

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