Fill out, share AFL-CIO National Survey of Working Women

survey-working-womenWASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov. 12, 2015) — It’s been more than five years since the AFL-CIO asked working women about their priorities and experiences. With the economy in slow recovery, a new wave of attacks on collective bargaining, and a presidential election on the horizon, working women’s voices are now more important than ever.

Therefore, a new National Survey of Working Women has been developed under the guidance of the AFL-CIO Executive Council Committee on Women Workers, key partners and affiliates, and experts throughout the progressive movement. With this tool, the AFL-CIO hopes to capture a multi-faceted picture of the lives of working women across the country, both union and non-union.

All working women are urged to take a few minutes to complete this survey at:

The only way this important tool will work is if we use it! so please share this posting/link with your friends, family, co-workers and union sisters to fill out as well.

The final report will be released in time for Women’s History Month, March 2016.

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