Tell MultiCare to put ‘Patients Before Profits’ at Tacoma General

TACOMA (April 20, 2016) — Last weekend, the Washington State Nurses Association launched “Patients Before Profits” TV ads in Tacoma — featuring local unit superhero Renata Bowlden, RN — as part of their campaign to improve patient care and nurse safety with a fair contract at MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital. Their next bargaining sessions are April 25 and May 2.


TAKE A STAND! You can show your support for the nurses by Signing this online petition!

Here is the message from WSNA-represented nurses the hospital from their Patients Before Profits web page:

As nurses, we always put our patients first. But it is hard to give our patients the safe, high quality care they deserve when we’re working short staffed or going 8, 10 or even 12 hours without a break.

With profits of $177,000 per day, MultiCare Tacoma General has the money to fix our nurse staffing problems and give our community the hospital care they should be able to expect. All it takes is a shift in priorities.

If MultiCare put patients before profits, they would hire more nurses. If MultiCare put patients before profits, they wouldn’t have increased CEO pay in 2014 by 40% while increasing registered nurses’ pay by just 2%.

Tell Tacoma General Hospital CEO and MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson to STOP undermining nurses and their ability to safely care for our community of patients! Sign our petition!

For more information, visit and like the Nursing Strong Tacoma Facebook page.

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