Three-day faculty strike begins at Green River College
The following is an open letter from Karen Strickland, President of AFT Washington, AFL-CIO:
The decision to strike follows a series of actions over the last three years, such as rallies, information picketing, visits with the governor’s office and legislators, speaking at board of trustees meetings, and much more. The administration closed two programs last year and is proposing to close 11 programs this year, and RIF (reduction-in-force) notices have been sent to faculty.
As their sisters and brothers, will you support your colleagues?
First and foremost, please do not cross the picket line. We have heard that the college administration has contacted some part-time members at other colleges and asked them to teach at the college.
Other ways you can help at any of the campus locations:
♦ bring coffee and donuts or fruit in the morning
♦ bring water
♦ bring pizza or other food items for the afternoon
♦ adopt a shift schedule to join the picket and bring others
♦ consider donating money for the strike fund
Now is the time to step up in solidarity! You can link to our volunteer sign-up page and choose the action you will take to support them. We will follow up with you to firm arrangements.
You can find out more information at www.unitedattheriver.com. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Burton at rburton@aftwa.org or at 206-225-0621.
In solidarity,
Karen Strickland, President
AFT Washington, AFL-CIO
ULP strike message to students (at UnitedAtTheRiver.com)
PREVIOUSLY at The Stand:
WSLC asks Inslee to intervene at Green River College (April 28, 2016)
Rally to Save Green River College is April 22 in Auburn (April 18, 2016)
Green River College faculty, staff steps up the pressure (Nov. 23, 2015)
Why we have no confidence in Green River College’s trustees (Nov. 23, 2015)
Green River College board backs Ely; faculty authorizes strike (May 27, 2015)
Green River College faculty: President Ely has got to go (May 15, 2015)