
Volunteer Oct. 22 in Renton — and win fabulous prizes!

ln-walk-16oct22_frontRENTON (Oct. 19, 2016) — County auditors have mailed the fall election ballots. So after weeks of educating union members about which candidates and ballot measures have earned labor’s support, Labor Neighbor volunteers are adding this simple message: Fill out your ballot — the whole ballot — and turn it in!

And to thank the hundreds of union volunteers who have already dedicated a few hours of their weekends to the Labor Neighbor effort — and continue to do so — this weekend’s event will be a special Ballot Drop Walk & BBQ where participating volunteers can win prizes like Seahawks tickets (Dec. 24 game vs. Arizona), a large-screen smart TV, and hundreds of dollars in gift cards. The event is co-sponsored by the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO; the Washington Building Trades; and the UA Local 32 PAC Committee.

All you’ve got to do to have a chance to win is participate in the Ballot Drop Walk & BBQ this Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the UA Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 32 Hall, 595 Monster Road SW in Renton. (Enter “555 Monster Road” when using a mapping device, located directly behind the building.)

Meet there at 9 a.m. Saturday to pair up, and get some literature and an assigned neighborhood. You and your partner will visit other union members in the 30th Legislative District in Renton, Federal Way and surrounding communities. You’ll be distributing information about why Mike Pellicciotti and Kristine Reeves earned labor’s endorsement for the state representative positions in that district.

Click here to volunteer — or email or call Leanne Guier at 206-290-7710 to RSVP. Also download, post and share the flier announcing this Saturday’s walk.

Labor Neighbor is the grassroots member-to-member political action program of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.


Labor Neighbor volunteers are also needed on weeknights for Postcard Parties to prepare handwritten postcards to fellow union members urging them to vote in this important election. Postcard Parties are happening from 5:30 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday night in Tacoma at UFCW 367, 6403 Lakewood Dr. W.; and the same time every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday through October at the Washington State Labor Council’s Seattle office, 321 16th Ave S. You can RSVP via email to April Sims.

Please volunteer for this Saturday’s walk to help take our state back so the needs and concerns of working families are addressed in Olympia. And to win fabulous prizes! Also, check out the Labor Neighbor calendar so you can mark your calendars to help out at other walks that are scheduled until Election Day, Nov. 8. For more information, email WSLC Field Mobilization Director April Sims or call 206-281-8901.

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