Demand to see Trump’s returns at Tax March Seattle Saturday

Volunteers needed to serve as peacekeepers; contact the WSLC today!


SEATTLE — Did you pay more taxes than our billionaire president last year? Possibly. Perhaps even for the past several years. The truth is, we don’t know because Donald Trump, a man with a network of investments in America and abroad, is the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. He says the American people don’t care.

On Tax Day this April 15 in Seattle and across the nation, Americans will say we DO care, will remind Trump that he works for us, and will demand that he release his tax returns.

Tax March Seattle will be Saturday, April 15 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gather at the Federal Building (2nd Ave. & Marion St.) at 10 a.m., begin marching at 11 a.m., and end at the Seattle Center (5th Ave. & Harrison St.) Tax March Seattle will join more than 100 cities across the U.S. as part of the National Tax March. We will rally and march in the morning, ending by 1 p.m. (Note that a #BlackLivesMatter action begins at 2 p.m. at Westlake Park.)

ACTION ALERT — The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO is looking for volunteers to serve as peacekeepers at Saturday’s march. If you can help, please email April Sims, or call her at 253-441-5113. A peacekeeper training is planned for Tuesday night in Seattle so RSVP TODAY and April will get you the details.

The Seattle march will also shine a light on Washington state’s tax code, which is the most upside down in the nation. Low-income families pay seven times more of their income in taxes than the wealthy. Trump wants to change the federal tax code to grant huge breaks to the wealthy and the powerful. Washington’s tax code already does that. We need to clean up the tax code so that it works for all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful.

The Tax March isn’t an organization — it’s a movement and marches are happening in more than 100 cities. The White House said no one cares about the president’s tax returns. We are marching because the President must be accountable to the American people. On April 15, we will demand that Trump release his returns and reveal his business dealings, financial ties, and any potential conflicts of interests. Accountability starts with transparency.

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