Sounds of Silence | One rich heir vs. 1,000 kids | Rotten GOP | Sweet Melissa
Friday, December 8, 2017
► From the Senate Democrats — State Senate Democrats offer preview of 2018 legislative agenda — Topping the pre-file list is the Washington Voting Rights Act. The bill aims to create more civic engagement and better access to the democratic process throughout Washington. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle), failed to pass the Republican-controlled Senate the past five years despite bipartisan support in the House.
ALSO TODAY at The Stand — 2018 Washington Voting Rights Act introduced
EDITOR’S NOTE — Read the investigator’s report. If you #BelieveWomen, the married Manweller not only propositioned his student, he asked her how often she has sex, whether she used condoms, and what’s the wildest sexual thing she ever did. When she skipped his next class, he sent her an email with the subject line “I missed you in class,” and then followed her around, both on and off campus. When she got home, “she put a chair up against her doorknob and told a neighbor that if he heard banging on the walls it was because a creepy professor was stalking her.” The outside investigator apparently believed the women, concluding there was credible evidence that Manweller violated CWU’s sexual harassment policy.
► A related story in today’s NY Times — What Congress can learn from Al Franken (editorial) — The Democratic Party deserves credit for its newfound determination to eject powerful men who think they can treat women however they want. But the tougher, more important task for both parties is rejecting the mechanisms and mind-set that keeps predators in power.
Perhaps, if the women who serve in the Legislature in Olympia — especially Republican women — want to hold men like Rep. Manweller accountable, they should do the same. The report above says state legislators have offered only a “muted response” to the latest accusations against Manweller, with House Minority Leader Dan Kristiansen (R-Snohomish) saying it’s “difficult” to respond to “anonymous claims” and House Democratic leaders refusing to respond to a request for comment.
► From NPR — Tax bill could offer new way to funnel political cash — and make it tax-deductible — Wealthy Americans may get a new conduit for political money in the tax overhaul bill now being reconciled on Capitol Hill. A small provision in the House version of the bill would let big donors secretly give unlimited amounts to independent political groups — and write off the contributions as charitable gifts.
ALSO at The Stand:
Republican/Trump tax giveaway aims to force big cuts elsewhere (by WSLC President Jeff Johnson) — This tax giveaway is a set-up for defunding Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits, health care, and privatizing our federal government and our natural resources.
It’s not over! Call Representatives to stop this tax scam for the rich — Call 1-844-899-9913 and tell your Representative to vote NO on this tax giveaway!
► In today’s Columbian — Herrera Beutler sets telephone town hall for Tuesday — Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Battle Ground) will host a telephone town hall from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Herrera Beutler will discuss tax cuts, tolling and other constituent issues.
► In today’s Seattle Times — Sens. Cantwell, Murray appointed to the tax bill conference committee — The conference is the last chance for Democrats to influence the tax bill that has moved through Congress at blinding speed.
► From The Hill — GOP wrestles with keeping prized 20 percent corporate rate — Some Republicans think cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent is the bill’s crowning achievement, but members are coming under pressure to bump it up a percentage point or two to help pay for other tax cuts.
► In today’s Seattle Times — Congress should spare grad students from tax hike (editorial) — Congress should step away from a plan to tax the tuition waivers graduate students receive when they work as researchers or teaching assistants. It could deter students from pursuing degrees the economy needs.
► In the Willamette Week — New Seasons Market hires same union-busting firm Trump used to fight workers at his Las Vegas hotels — Cruz & Associates, a consulting firm that started holding meetings with New Seasons workers last month, declares itself an expert in “union avoidance” and is headed by Lupe Cruz, a dissident who once worked for UNITE HERE before jumping ship to the so-called “right to work” movement.
► From Reuters — Trump administration sides against unions in high court fees case — The Trump administration on Wednesday said it would oppose public sector unions in a major case (Janus v. AFSCME) currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, reversing the view taken by the Obama administration in an identical dispute.
PREVIOUSLY at The Stand — Court tees up right-wing assault on unions
► From The Hill — Conservatives ramp up attacks on Mueller — Conservative efforts to discredit the Justice Department special counsel are intensifying as Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling moves steadily closer to the White House. Those efforts are being broadcast by conservative media giants like Fox News’s Sean Hannity, whose nightly show has become a sounding board for claims about Mueller’s alleged corruption.
► MUST READ in today’s NY Times — The GOP is rotting (by David Broooks) — The Republican Party is doing harm to every cause it purports to serve. You don’t help your cause by wrapping your arms around an alleged sexual predator and a patriarchic bigot. You don’t help your cause by putting the pursuit of power above character, by worshiping at the feet of some loutish man or another, by claiming the ends justify any means… Today’s tax cuts have no bipartisan support. They have no intellectual grounding, no body of supporting evidence. They do not respond to the central crisis of our time. They have no vision of the common good, except that Republican donors should get more money and Democratic donors should have less. The rot afflicting the G.O.P. is comprehensive — moral, intellectual, political and reputational. More and more former Republicans wake up every day and realize: “I’m homeless. I’m politically homeless.”
► In the NY Times — Facts have a well-known liberal bias (by Paul Krugman) — There are two central facts about 21st-century U.S. politics. First, we suffer from asymmetric polarization: the Republican Party has become an extremist institution with little respect for traditional norms of any kind. Second, mainstream media – still the source of most political information for the great majority of Americans – haven’t been able to come to grips with this reality. Even in the age of Trump, they try desperately to be “balanced”, which in practice means bending over backwards to say undeserved nice things about Republicans and take undeserved swipes at Democrats… The parties are not the same. And trying to pretend that they are the same isn’t just foolish, it’s deeply destructive. Indeed, it’s one important reason Donald Trump sits in the White House.
► From Politico — Democrats want to change the Democratic Party. They just disagree on how. — With a potentially historic number of Democrats getting ready to launch a bid for their party’s nomination in 2020, the DNC has barely 18 months to institute any reforms the Unity Commission recommends. Politico asked strategists, academics and members of Congress to weigh in on whether the party needs to change, and if so, how. Here is what they said about superdelegates, open primaries and renewing a party struggling with internal divisions and minority rule.
► In today’s Seattle Times — A union body blow in what was once an organized-labor bastion (by Jon Talton) — Last month, employees at Fuyao Glass America in suburban Dayton, Ohio, voted by a wide margin to reject joining the UAW… The decline of unions in America is a complicated story, but one of the chapters is about workers voting against their self-interest. How many at Fuyao voted for Trump? They got the wealthiest cabinet in history, more deregulation and hostility to workers, and soon tax legislation that will cause lasting damage to the middle class. “Great Again,” in the minds of Trump voters, was the Nifty Fifties. But apparently without the strong unions.
► In the Wichita Eagle — Where will Spirit AeroSystems find 1,000 new workers? — In two years, Wichita’s largest employer will need to increase its 11,000 employee workforce by 9 percent, or 1,000 jobs. In addition to training programs at area colleges, Spirit to work with the Machinists and other unions through apprenticeship programs to help fill those jobs.
► In the Dallas News — U.S. airlines hired over 4,000 pilots this year. Here’s why they’ll be hiring even more. — After a decade of instability and bankruptcies that saw hiring slow to a crawl, U.S. airlines have been adding pilots at a breakneck pace over the last three years amid rising revenues and renewed growth ambitions.
► Had he not passed away in May, Southern rock legend Gregg Allman would have celebrated his 70th birthday today. In this 2014 clip, he performs one of The Entire Staff of The Stand’s favorite Allman Brothers songs with his buddy, Jackson Browne. The song’s namesake came to Allman at a 24-hour grocery store in Pensacola, Fla., late one night in 1967, as told in his memoir:
There were two people at the cash registers, but only one other customer besides myself. She was an older Spanish lady, wearing the colorful shawls, with her hair all stacked up on her head. And she had what seemed to be her granddaughter with her, who was at the age when kids discover they have legs that will run. She was jumping and dancing; she looked like a little puppet. I went around getting my stuff, and at one point she was the next aisle over, and I heard her little feet run all the way down the aisle. And the woman said, “No, wait, Melissa. Come back — don’t run away, Melissa!” I went, “Sweet Melissa.” I could’ve gone over there and kissed that woman. As a matter of fact, we came down and met each other at the end of the aisle, and I looked at her and said, “Thank you so much.” She probably went straight home and said, “I met a crazy man at the fucking grocery.”
The Stand posts links to Washington state and national news of interest every weekday morning by 10 a.m.