Join Seattle Labor Chorus for annual Singalong this Saturday

SEATTLE — The annual Seattle Labor Chorus Singalong is this Saturday night, March 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Ave. N. in Seattle. This is a family-friendly event of group singing, a live string band, a silent auction, homemade snacks, and a song or two in performance by the chorus.

The singalong is also the chorus’ biggest fundraiser of the year. It allows the chorus to sing for free in support of working people at strikes, rallies, protests, and union halls; at annual meetings, at benefits for good causes, for book launches, at memorials; and at the Northwest Folklife Festival. Admission to Saturday’s Singalong is by a suggested donation of $10-$15 per adult or $5 for children, but no one will be turned away.

The Singalong features great songs of labor, peace, and justice as well as some old standards. All are welcome to lead a song as an individual or a group, or to sit back and join the singing, or, just listen. Refreshments will include savories, desserts, and non-alcoholic drinks. Chorus CDs will be available for purchase, and also tickets for the chorus’ annual raffle of a quilt and beautifully designed from T-shirts representing some of your favorite causes.

For more information, visit the Seattle Labor Chorus website, or email or call Janet Stecher at 206-524-7753.

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