Wash. State Democratic Party staff unionizes with IUPAT 1094

SEATTLE (Sept. 12, 2018) — The Washington State Democratic Party recently announced that its staff has voted to unionize and are now members of International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Local 1094.

“The Democratic Party has long championed workers’ rights, and I’m proud that our staff have voted to further strengthen our bond with our brothers and sisters in the labor movement,” said Tina Podlodowski, Washington State Democratic Party Chair .

“IUPAT District Council 5 welcomes our new members on the Washington State Democratic Party staff!” said Philip Lindquist, Government Affairs Director for IUPAT District Council 5. “The party’s unionizing is proof of their commitment to working folks and families in their struggle to make a better life for themselves and others.”

The decision to unionize comes while organized labor is under a sustained and deliberate attack by corporate interests and Republican politicians, from the passing of so-called “right to work” provisions that weaken unions’ abilities to protect workers to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Janus decision.

“I’m excited our state party staff is living our values and joining the mighty IUPAT family,” said Olgy Diaz, Party Affairs Director for the Washington State Democratic Party. “The rights of campaign and political staff have come a long way since I started in politics over 10 years ago and this is an important step to ensuring access to better workplaces through bargaining rights for future democratic leaders and operatives.”

Added Garrett Moore, a Field Organizer for the Washington State Democrats Coordinated Campaign: “Much of my activism has been inspired by the work of unions and union organizers to fight against corporate abuse and stand for the rights of workers. We stand on the shoulders of giants, from Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta to Marshall Ganz, as organizers and now as proud members of the Painters & Allied Trades Local 1094.”

For more information about the IUPAT, visit District Council 5’s website.

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