Ballots for WSLC officers’ election to be tallied today
After the results are certified later today or tonight by this board of “Tellers,” who were elected by delegates at the WSLC 2018 Convention in Wenatchee, the outcomes will be posted here at The Stand and emailed to our list of subscribers. (Subscribe here!)
In addition, 20 WSLC Vice Presidents will be elected by district and eight Vice Presidents will be elected to represent the interests of AFL-CIO-affiliated constituency groups and allied organizations. At-large Vice Presidents are later appointed to represent the interests of any international union paying per capita on 10,000 or more members that does not have an elected Vice President.
Together, the two WSLC executive officers and all Vice Presidents comprise the WSLC Executive Board, which meets quarterly and establishes the WSLC’s policies and priorities of the council between conventions.
For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the WSLC President, Secretary Treasurer, and Executive Board, see Article’s VI through VIII of the WSLC Constitution.