‘Solidarity Centennial’ events planned statewide for 2019

Add your events commemorating 1919 Seattle General Strike, Centralia Tragedy


A committee of labor, history, educational, and cultural heritage groups across the Pacific Northwest — including the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO — has been meeting for more than a year to plan events for 2019 to commemorate the centennial of the 1919 Seattle General Strike and the Centralia Tragedy.

Under the banner “Solidarity Centennial,” organizations can plan and organize their own events, exhibits, and commemorations that are open to all. Check out the newly launched website at solidaritycentennial.com to add your events or save the dates for those that are upcoming. Also “like” and follow the Solidarity Centennial Facebook page for updates as events are added.

Some of the events already listed include the premiere of the film Labor Wars of the Northwest, book readings of The Seattle General Strike (Centennial Edition) by James Gregory, an “immersive performance” at Seattle’s MOHAI, a bus tour, an exhibit of artifacts and memorabilia, and more.

Organizations can submit their own events that relate to regional labor history or current struggles to build worker power via this form for Solidarity Centennial to promote via the website, Facebook, and calendar.


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