Apply now for Union Summer internships

Application deadline has been extended to Friday, May 24


SEATTLE — Are you or anyone you know interested in working for social change?

Union Summer is the paid ($16/hour) summer internship program for people interested in getting involved in the labor movement. Union Summer participants will spend an exciting six weeks — June 25-August 3 — working full-time and hands-on with different campaigns — talking to our community, marching for justice, and gaining first-hand experience in the movement. The positions are based in and around Seattle, but campaigns may take place throughout the region.

Sound good? Submit your application today! The deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, May 24. Also, download and post this flier about these Union Summer opportunities.

“My mom has worked union jobs, so I knew what workers can accomplish together,” said Anita Ibarra, a 2017 Union Summer intern. “As Union Summer interns, we participated in campaigns with workers all over the region. Union Summer has led to so many opportunities and experiences that have continued even after this summer. I really grew personally from these experiences. I have learned to believe in myself so I can lead others and help them fight for themselves.”

The program is broken up into 3 main components: education, actions, and on the job training. An average week may be:

TUESDAY: Attend a rally at the airport to support striking flight attendants, followed by 4 hours registering people to vote at a farmers market.

WEDNESDAY: 8 hours of phone calls to union members reminding them to turn in their ballot for their union.

THURSDAY: Filing for the office manager, running to the post office, and attending a lobbying meeting with your supervisor and the Mayor.

FRIDAY: Education day. 8 hours in the classroom learning about the history of the labor and social justice movements in the Pacific Northwest.

SATURDAY: 4 hours doing house visits in 80-degree weather talking to union members about local politics and elections.

If you have any questions, send them to unionsummer@wslc.org.

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