Support ESSB 6217, SeaTac’s airline catering workers

Send a message to WA State Representatives to support fair wages for SeaTac workers


OLYMPIA (Feb. 28, 2020) — UNITE HERE Local 8, the Washington State Labor Council, and community supporters of livable wages are urging the Washington State House of Representatives to approve ESSB 6217, which would allow the Port of Seattle to raise wages for airline catering workers at Sea-Tac Airport. This legislation is key in lifting up hundreds of workers and their families out of poverty because they have been excluded from the $16.34 SeaTac minimum wage.

Sponsored by Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines), ESSB 6217 would authorize the Port of Seattle to raise wage standards for airline catering workers to equal those of other transportation and hospitality workers in the City of SeaTac. The legislation passed the Senate on a strong bipartisan 33-15 vote, and passed the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on Tuesday, Feb. 25. Now supporters are urging its swift passage from the full House.

TAKE A STANDClick here to send a message to your Representatives urging them to vote YES on ESSB 6217.

Nearly 1,000 airline catering workers who work at Sea-Tac Airport are currently excluded from the $16.34 SeaTac minimum wage, earning a much lower rate than other workers employed at the airport with the same or similar jobs. Airline catering workers are predominantly immigrants and people of color, and many of them live in poverty.

On Feb. 14, dozens of airline catering workers and their supporters rallied (again) at Sea-Tac Airport to call for livable wages and exclaim that “One Job Should Be Enough!” They have also gone to Olympia to provide testimony regarding the impacts of their poverty wages on their families and their community. Many told stories of housing and food insecurity.

Click here to tell State Representatives to help tackle the crisis of low wages and inequality among airport workers by supporting ESSB 6217. Thank you.

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