Be counted: Participate in the 2020 Census by mail, phone or online

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 5, 2020) — A complete and accurate count in the 2020 Census is vital to working families in Washington state and in every corner of our country. The results are used for important decision-making that affects all of us at the federal, state and local levels of government. Its data also is used to determine the allocation of billions of dollars in funds for such services as school construction, housing and community development, and road and transportation planning.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve, state and local governments need a fair and accurate distribution of these funds. Bottom line: an accurate Census 2020 count will help strengthen worker power and build a better Washington state.

Please join the AFL-CIO, its affiliated unions, constituency groups and allied partners in this week’s #LaborCounts Census Week of Action. Help us by participating in the 2020 Census and reaching out to fellow union members and households across the country to ensure they get counted, too.

TAKE ACTION! — By now, all U.S. households should have received a notice or form explaining what to do. Can’t find it? No matter. here’s how you can go ahead and participate:

► MAIL — Fill out and return the census form you received in the mail, OR

► PHONE — Participate by calling 1-844-330-2020 toll free (click here for other phone numbers with your preferred language), OR

► ONLINE — Get counted at online. Your mailed notice included a Census ID number on it, but that number is not necessary to go ahead and fill it out online.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Census Bureau has extended the self-response period through Oct. 31. The Census Bureau has moved up the cutoff date to Sept. 30, so don’t put it off. Participate today! And when you’re done, contact your family and friends and urge them to participate.

As labor legend Dolores Huerta reminds us, there is no citizenship question in the 2020 Census and your answers are confidential.

Thank you for taking 5 minutes today to fill out the Census 2020 form:


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