Share COVID-19 workers’ stories at APALA, LELO webinars

SEATTLE — During this COVID-19 pandemic, essential workers are the ones on the front lines each and every day providing healthcare services, educating students, delivering critical supplies, producing food, and ensuring our grocery stores are stocked and safe for the public. They are the ones putting their personal safety at risk so the rest of us continue to be as safe and healthy as possible. That’s why it’s important to create a safe space for workers from all different sectors to be able to share and learn from each other their experiences and how they are coping.

The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO Seattle Chapter (APALA) and Legacy of Equality Leadership & Organizing (LELO) will be hosting a two-part webinar to highlight essential workers’ experiences during this pandemic. All union members, particularly those who are Asian Pacific Islander Americans, are invited to participate in both webinars to share their experiences during this COVID-19 pandemic with workers from other sectors and the community. Both webinars will be Zoom online meetings.

The first series will be a worker-only webinar where workers from all different sectors will come together and share their stories.  This is a closed webinar and intended for workers to talk amongst each other. It will be this Thursday, May 7 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Click here to register.

The second series will be a town hall webinar, in collaboration with the COVID-19 Community Response Alliance (CRA), for workers to share their experiences and educate the community about how they can support their fights. Invitees also include community organizations, public agencies and government officials, and others. The Town Hall webinar will be from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 23. Click here to register.

If you have any questions regarding either series, or if interpretation is needed, please email apalawa@gmail.com.

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