Day of Action: Tell Senate, pass the PRO Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 8, 2021) — Today is the AFL-CIO National Day of Action for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

TAKE A STANDClick to call your senators or go ahead and dial 866-832-1560, and tell them to support working people by voting YES on the PRO Act. Let’s show the Senate that people are pro-union across the country and across party lines. Both Washington Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell support the PRO Act, but please call anyway to thank them and tell them how important this is. Even if you’ve previously emailed/called on this critically important legislation, please do so again today!

Our outdated labor laws are no longer strong enough to protect us in the workplace. High-profile corporations openly union-bust without facing consequences. Anti-worker lawmakers have passed wage-killing and racist right to work laws in 27 states. Inequality has skyrocketed as workers have been denied a voice on the job.

The PRO Act would change that.

It’s the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. And it’s also a civil rights and economic stimulus bill. If we can get this passed, working people will thrive for generations to come. It passed the House on March 9 with bipartisan support, and President Biden has urged Congress to send it to his desk. The Senate is the final obstacle.

So let’s flood the Senate phone lines with support for the PRO Act. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act.



Historic labor law reform passes U.S. House of Representatives (March 10)
Six ways the PRO Act restores workers’ bargaining power (March 18)
No, the PRO Act doesn’t threaten freelancers and contractors (March 25)

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