Lawmakers introduce bipartisan healthcare safe staffing bills
SB 5751, HB 1868 would protect healthcare workers, improve care for patients, and begin to address the staffing crisis
SEATTLE (Jan. 11, 2022) — Members of the WA Safe + Healthy coalition on Monday applauded legislative champions led by Sen. June Robinson (D-Everett) and Rep. Marcus Riccelli (D-Spokane) for introducing bipartisan legislation to create new safe staffing standards for hospitals in Washington state, which will help protect healthcare workers and ensure patients get the care they deserve.
Last month UFCW 21, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and the Washington State Nurses Association – which collectively represent more than 71,000 healthcare workers in the state of Washington – launched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign calling on lawmakers in Olympia to pass legislation to deal with the unprecedented burnout and unsafe work conditions healthcare workers are facing. The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the largest union organization in the state, also identified the issue as a priority in its 2022 Workers’ Recovery Agenda.
In a December poll of about 1,200 Washington healthcare workers, 84 percent of healthcare workers said they’re burned out, and half (49 percent) said they’re likely to quit health care in the next few years. Among those likely to quit, 71 percent said short-staffing was among their primary reasons. The proposed legislation will begin to finally address the hospital staffing crisis by making healthcare workers’ jobs safer and more manageable.
SB 5751/HB 1868 would finally begin to address the hospital staffing crisis by:
Creating safe staffing standards that protect any one healthcare worker from dangerously high patient loads and creatine adequate enforcement mechanisms to ensure hospitals follow safety standards;
Closing loopholes and enforcing existing break and overtime laws to ensure hospitals are complying with already-passed legislation to ensure healthcare workers get legally-required meal and rest break time, as well as ending the current abuse of mandatory overtime;
Additionally, the WA Safe + Healthy coalition will support efforts to invest in workforce development to increase the number of new healthcare workers entering the field, but healthcare workers have been clear that increasing the pipeline of new healthcare workers will only be successful alongside safe staffing standards that protect them from massive burnout once they begin working.