SEIU Healthcare 1199NW welcomes new leadership team
Longtime leader Diane Sosne, who recently stepped down, swears in new officers for the state’s largest healthcare union
The following is from SEIU Healthcare 1199NW:
(May 26, 2022) — SEIU Healthcare 1199NW is proud to welcome a new slate of officers and Executive Board members to lead us in this new chapter of our union.
(Pictured from the left) President Jane Hopkins was sworn in at the May 11 Executive Board meeting, alongside Secretary-Treasurer Yolanda King-Lowe; Executive Vice President Casey Rukeyser; rank-and-file Vice President Carol Lightle, Executive Vice Presidents Robin Wyss, and rank-and-file Vice President Marie Neumayer. (Not pictured is new rank-and-file Vice President Kimela Vigil.)
We also welcome our new Executive Board members, who were sworn in alongside the new officers.
Being a democratic organization, every three years our members elect co-workers from their workplace to serve on our union’s Executive Board. The Executive Board meets monthly to discuss and decide our union program, oversee our union budget, and determine the best way for us to come together and win for ourselves, our patients and clients, and our communities.
It’s a great idea to get to know your Executive Board members representing your chapter and stay in communication so they can best advocate for the needs of all members!
Our union is in excellent hands under the leadership of President Jane Hopkins, our incredible officers, and all Executive Board members, both new and returning. The future of our movement for safe patient care, equitable healthcare systems, and worker justice for all has never looked brighter.