Sign petition: Stop union-busting at Financial Institutions agency
OLYMPIA (Mar. 2, 2023) — When workers in the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) unionized with the Washington State Federation of State Employees (WFSE) Local 443 in the summer of 2022, they say that the agency illegally retaliated against them by cutting only the unionized employees’ pay and denying them access to retention premiums.
TAKE A STAND — All union members and community supporters are urged to show solidarity with the DFI Union and WFSE by signing this Petition to Stop DFI Union-Busting. The petition, prepared by DFI Union members, reads:
They don’t care about the effects of their illegal actions on employee morale and our ability to carry out our mission to protect Washingtonians from financial harm.
They’ve delayed or canceled meetings, torn down communications from our union bulletin boards, suppressed our rights to collective action, refused to bargain in good faith, and ultimately plan to eliminate our bargaining unit by reducing the staffing level and moving our work to other divisions.
And when we finally got them to the bargaining table in January 2023, they callously said they’re not interested in finding a resolution to the pay issue.
They don’t want our bargaining unit to grow, they don’t like being held accountable to the people below them, and they don’t respect us.
But the opportunity exists to resolve this, and with your help we can make that happen.
Please stand with us by signing our petition.
For more info or to get involved, contact Our local is Local 443 and our exclusive collective bargaining representative is the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE).