PeaceHealth clinicians win union election with UAPD

The following is from the UAPD:

BELLINGHAM, Wash. (Sept. 22, 2023) — More than 80 advanced practice clinicians employed at PeaceHealth’s nonacute care facilities in Whatcom and Skagit counties have won the right to unionize with the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD).

This is the UAPD’s first bargaining unit comprised of only advanced practice clinicians. It is one of the few in the nation consisting solely of mid-level providers.

“It is an exciting victory for advanced practice clinicians everywhere. They want a voice in key healthcare decision making,” said Dr. Stuart Bussey, M.D., J.D., UAPD President. “We look forward to working together with our newest members and PeaceHealth to bargain for a fair contract.”

With 75 percent majority support, this victory gives physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives a collective voice when speaking to their employer about the quality of patient care and workplace concerns. The National Labor Relations Board will certify the election results within seven business days.

The UAPD, an affiliate of AFSCME, is a union of physicians, dentists, and health practitioners/professionals working together to ensure that its members have an effective voice in decisions that affect their well-being and their ability to provide quality health care. Learn more at UAPD.com.


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