Support safe staffing rule for nursing homes

Please share your stories today to support Biden’s minimum staffing standard


WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 26, 2023) — Right now in the United States, nursing home residents are not getting the quality, dignified care they deserve. Nursing homes are understaffed, and workers are being underpaid and burning out. Those workers are leaving the profession for better opportunities elsewhere, which only adds to the poor staffing.

The good news: the Biden administration has proposed a historic new rule that would establish a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes for the first time.

The bad news: the nursing home industry is spending big to prevent this rule from being finalized.

TAKE A STAND — If you are a nursing home worker, have lived in a nursing home, know a loved one who has, or want to improve the state of care in our country, please share your story. Together, we can support a a strong safe-staffing standard. Please submit your comments supporting a strong rule by Nov. 6, 2023.

President Biden has promised to establish a strong national nursing home staffing standard. Now it’s up to us to ensure that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) follows through. We need to make sure our message to HHS is loud and clear: Americans want a strong safe-staffing standard for the nursing home industry!

EDITOR’S NOTE — Watch the testimony of Shelly Hughes, an SEIU 775 member and Certified Nurse’s Aide at a Bellingham nursing home, on the safe-staffing standard at Wednesday’s hearing before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce:


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