
WSLC, ESD offer Unemployment Insurance trainings Dec. 19-20

OLYMPIA — The Workforce Development Department of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO is partnering with state Employment Security Department to offer two online Unemployment Insurance (UI) trainings this month for union leaders, rank-and-file members, and all others interested in learning how to access this critical safety net for Washington workers.

The trainings will be held Tuesday, Dec. 19 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Dec. 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Register now and you will receive a link and instructions for joining the trainings.

Participants will learn the basics of eligibility and how benefits are calculated, how to open an unemployment insurance claim, how to file for weekly benefits, how to navigate and fix issues regarding the claim, and where to find assistance if you need it.

In addition to increasing understanding of the UI system, these orientations are intended to help establish best practices for reaching more communities with UI resources. Thank you in advance for answering all the registration form questions to help organizers achieve those objectives.

Questions? Contact Laurel Poplack at lpoplack@wslc.org for more information.

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