Nicole Grant named to lead M.L. King County Labor Council

SEATTLE (Aug. 11, 2015) — The Executive Board of the M.L. King County Labor Council voted last week to appoint Nicole Grant of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 46 to serve as Executive Secretary-Treasurer, making her the first woman to lead King County’s largest labor organization. She replaces David Freiboth, who resigned last month to accept a position with the Port of Seattle, and will serve the remainder of his term.

“This proud organization is fighting for dignity and fairness for all workers, and it’s truly an honor to serve as its executive officer,” Grant said. “We want great schools for our children, secure retirement for our elders, and a better quality of life for all of the hard-working people in King County and Washington state. Our unions give workers a voice to help make that happen and to improve wages and working conditions in every industry. This is a movement worth growing and we welcome everyone to join the effort.”

At 37, Grant already has a long history of service in the labor movement. She joined her first labor union while still a high school student in Seattle. After earning her bachelor’s degree at University of Washington in Politics, Economy and Law, she began an apprenticeship with IBEW Local 46 and worked for several years performing commercial, industrial and residential electrical installations. With her activism within her union, she soon became a leader.

Since 2009, she has served as Executive Director of the Certified Electrical Workers of Washington, leading its political programs and lobbying in support of pro-working family legislation. She has also served as a Vice President of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. In 2011, Grant was honored with the WSLC’s Elsie Schrader Award for outstanding advocacy on behalf of union women (see photo).

“Nicole’s appointment ushers in a new era for the labor movement,” said WSLC President Jeff Johnson. “She is the first woman and the youngest person to lead the MLKCLC. Nicole comes out of a labor family, proved herself through completing a union construction apprenticeship program with the IBEW, has a college degree, has experience lobbying the Legislature and the Seattle City Council, is progressive and is a fierce advocate for working families. Nicole is part of the demographic that is breathing new life into the labor movement. We look forward to working closely with Nicole and we expect great things from her and the MLKCLC Executive Board and staff.”

First on Grant’s agenda at the MLKCLC is to engage voters in local elections.

“I want to see more of working-class King County vote this year because when we participate, we win,” she said. “It’s time to vote like our jobs depend on it and to support the pro-worker candidates who are protecting our rights in these volatile times.”

Last week the MLKCLC Executive Board also appointed Marsha Botzer of Pride at Work to serve as Trustee for the balance of the term, and Jason Chan of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance was named by APALA to represent that constituency group on our Executive Board. The MLKCLC represents the interests of more than 150 affiliated labor organizations with more than 75,000 rank-and-file members, providing a united voice for the interests and needs of working people in King County. visit MLKCLC.org for more information.

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