Urgent action alert: NO CUTS in Social Security!
The Alliance for Retired Americans and Social Security Works – Washington have distributed the following urgent Action Alert in response to news reports that President Obama and some Congressional Democrats are considering cutting Social Security benefits as part of a deficit-reduction compromise — even though the two issues are unrelated.
Please contact the White House with the message: Do not agree to cuts to Social Security benefits for present and future Social Security recipients. Social Security did not create the deficit and cutting Social Security is unnecessary and immoral. Click here to contact the White House or call (202) 456-1414.
Please contact Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell (or your U.S. Senators if you don’t live in Washington), and your U.S. Representatives immediately with the message: Please do not support any agreement negotiated by the White House that would cut Social Security benefits. We are counting on you to prevent damage to our essential safety net programs.
Click here to contact Sen. Murray or call (202) 224-2621 or (866) 481-9186.
Click here to contact Sen. Cantwell or call (202) 224-3441 or (888) 648-7328.
Click here to find your Congressional Representative and get their contact info.
Please act quickly and forward this message to your friends, family and co-workers, asking them to send messages as well. Thank you.