Tell state legislators: No more games, just JOBS!
OLYMPIA (March 7) — Amid the state budget drama of the past week and the prospect of an extended special legislative session, one critically important issue — repeatedly cited by voters as their top priority — is being ignored in Olympia: JOBS!
In stark contrast to the harmful all-cuts budgets proposed by both parties — which will not only shred critical social safety nets, they will eliminate public-sector jobs — legislation supported by business and labor to create tens of thousands of private-sector jobs is the 2012 Legislature’s best opportunity to have a positive, proactive impact on Washington’s economy. And yet, lawmakers have so far refused to vote on a plan the (Everett) Herald has called a “smart plan for now and the future” and the (Tacoma) News Tribune says is “ingenuous job creation in hard times.”
TAKE A STAND! Please CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION and send a message to you Senator and Representatives insisting that they vote on the Infrastructure Jobs Bonds legislation NOW!
ALSO, please send an original email to the following targeted legislators to urge their support for the the Infrastructure Jobs Bond:
Sens. Don Benton (R-17th), Jerome Delvin (R-8th), Joe Fain (R-47th), Jim Honeyford (R-15th), Jim Kasmata (D-25th), Steve Litzow (R-41st), Linda Evans Parlette (R-12th), Cheryl Pflug (R-5th), Pam Roach (R-31st), Mark Schoesler (R-9th), Tim Sheldon (D-35th), and Rodney Tom (D-48th), plus Reps. Richard DeBolt and Judy Warnick.
Please TAKE ACTION today! Time is running out for jobs!