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Jobs Bonds held hostage to force pension cuts!

UPDATE (April 11) — The Jobs Bonds legislation has passed the Legislature! Stay tuned to The Stand for more details. Thank you for participating in the campaign below to keep the pressure on legislators.

OLYMPIA — Senate Republicans and Democratic Sen. Jim Kastama of Puyallup are holding the popular Jobs Bonds legislation hostage! They are refusing to allow the Jobs Bonds bill to move out of Senate Ways and Means Committee, holding up the creation of tens of thousands of desperately needed jobs around Washington state, because they want to force Senate passage of a Republican-sponsored bill to cut state pension benefits.

This is an OUTRAGE! Washington taxpayers are fed up with the costly political games being played at the Capitol. State legislators are in danger of forcing a second extended special session to pass a budget. But the budget isn’t the problem. The problem is that Senate Republicans, joined by a handful of right-wing Democrats, are demanding “reform” bills unrelated to the budget that attack public employees’ retirement security and collective bargaining rights over health care.

TAKE A STAND! Contact the following Senate Ways and Means Committee members who are blocking the Jobs Bill, and tell them: “Enough is enough! Get your foot off the Jobs Bill and GET OUT OF OLYMPIA!”

CLICK HERE to send a message to Sens. Jim Kastama, Joe Zarelli, Linda Evans Parlette, Michael Baumgartner, Mike Hewitt, Janéa Holmquist Newbry, Jim Honeyford, Mike Padden, Cheryl Pflug, and Mark Schoesler.

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!