Complete coverage of WSLC 2012 Convention in Wenatchee
WENATCHEE — The 2012 Constitutional Convention of the Washington State Labor Council was held Aug. 6-9 at the Coast Wenatchee Hotel and Convention Center. At the convention, delegates representing the WSLC’s more than 500 affiliated labor organizations, with some 400,000 rank-and-file members, gathered to hear from distinguished labor, government and community leaders, to vote on election endorsements, and to set the course for the state’s largest union organization in the coming year.
TVW, Washington state’s public-affairs network, covered the plenary sessions of the convention. Video is now available online. You can watch the entire sessions for Aug. 6, Aug. 7 and Aug. 8 at TVW’s site Thursday’s action on political endorsements and resolutions were not filmed, OR you can watch individual clips of specific speakers and panels, embedded at the WSLC website here (follow the links):
MONDAY, AUG. 6: Davis Wire strikers, WSLC President Jeff Johnson, Dean Baker, Bruce Brennan Award, Job Creation and Economic Development Panel, Mother Jones Awards
TUESDAY, AUG. 7: Kimberly-Clark “Bring Jobs Home” video; AFL-CIO’s Arlene Holt Baker; Trade, Immigrant Workers and Trafficking Panel; Dr. Stephen Bezruchka; Organizing Panel; Kitsap Tenant Support Services Workers; Elsie Schrader Award
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8: Young Workers Panel; Labor Education Project; Ballot Measures Panel; Power to the People Award; U.S. Sen. Patty Murray; U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell; Attorney General candidate Bob Ferguson; Governor candidate Jay Inslee; Lifetime Achievement Award for Phyllis Kenney; and Jobs Now bill celebration
Convention delegates also voted to make some post-primary election endorsements. Download the updated list of WSLC election endorsements.
The 2012 WSLC Resolutions, as approved by convention delegates, are available right here.