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Richland steps up; next ‘Super Walk’ this Saturday in Mt. Vernon

The Stand

TRI-CITIES — About 50 volunteers walked last Saturday in Richland and Kennewick, setting a new Labor Neighbor record for volunteer turnout in Southeast Washington. I was proud to join them in walking for two Jays and for Bob — Jay Inslee for Governor, Jay Clough for the State Representative in Legislative District 8, and Bob Ferguson for State Attorney General.

Together we knocked on nearly 1,000 doors that day, having hundreds of conversations with fellow union members to talk about the importance of this fall’s election and why labor-endorsed candidates like Inslee, Ferguson and Clough earned their union’s support. WSLC Field Mobilization Director Lori Province helped staff Saturday’s walk, and walked herself.

For the second straight weekend of “Super Walks,” the Laborers union — in this case Local 348 — turned out the most volunteers, with 33 walking. Decked out in their union T-shirts, the “orange crush” were amazing.

Local 348’s Rigo Rivas and Mark Reavis made sure volunteers at the Sept. 27 Super Walk in Richland were well fed afterward.

Kudos to Local 348 Business Manager Mark Reavis and Business Representative Rigo Rivas who recruited their walkers. They also provided walkers with a BBQ of pulled pork sandwiches, sausages, potato salad, homemade baked beans, and a chocolate Labor Neighbor cake. Volunteers had a great time and were well fed.

Laborers District Council Representative Bob Abbott walked as well and presented the Washington State Labor Council’s Labor Neighbor program with a check for $25,000 from the Laborers International Union.

Among Saturday’s other walkers, the following unions were also represented: AFT, Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), UFCW, United Steelworkers (USW), Washington Education Association, Teamsters (IBT), Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU), and Washington State Federation of State Employees (AFSCME).

The final Super Walk in Richland will be Oct. 13, but before that…

Please make plans to join us this Saturday, Oct. 6 in Mount Vernon for this weekend’s only Labor Neighbor Super Walk. Meet at the Steelworkers Hall, 47 Alder Lane, at 9:30 a.m. We’ll be walking to support Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and labor’s endorsed candidate for Congress in the 1st District, Suzan DelBene.

Plus, volunteers are needed for weeknight phone banks that continue across the state. See the full Labor Neighbor schedule for more information.

Jeff Johnson is President of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.

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