Call Congress on Valentine’s Day, tell them ‘Stop Heartless Cuts!’
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional Republicans are taking the economy hostage again — threatening to blow it up unless vital services for working families are cut. Call your members of Congress on Thursday, Feb. 14 — a national call-in day on Valentine’s Day — and tell them to stand up to these bullies, reject benefit cuts for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and cancel the across-the-board budget cuts to food and workplace safety, education and more.
Instead, Congress should close loopholes for Wall Street and the richest 2% — especially loopholes that encourage job offshoring, allow corporations to pay no taxes, enrich the already wealthy and bar the government from negotiating with drug companies to lower prices.
TAKE A STAND! Call your members of Congress on Thursday, Feb. 14 toll-free at 1-888-659-9401 and tell them to STOP THE HEARTLESS CUTS. Tell them to oppose benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and to close loopholes for Wall Street and the richest 2% of Americans; and cancel sequestration!
Download, post and share this flier urging others to call Congress on Thursday as well.
For more information, visit aflcio.org/protectourfuture — and check out the “Myths and Facts” about Round 2 of the Fiscal Showdown.