Tell Congress: Tech workers need balanced immigration reform
The following is from the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, IFPTE 2001:
(Sept. 18, 2013) — Now that the immigration reform debate has shifted from the U.S. Senate to the House of Representatives, our representatives in Congress have been hearing directly from technical and professional workers about how drastic expansions of the H-1B and other high-tech foreign worker visa programs threaten the careers and jobs of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) workers.
The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, IFPTE 2001 says that the current immigration reform bill before Congress will leave today’s STEM professionals as the most adversely impacted workers in the comprehensive immigration reform bill. Modest bipartisan efforts to increase job security and worker protections for U.S. and foreign workers in the high-tech visa programs were beat back by a robust tech industry lobby. In its existing form, the immigration bill will allow more than 10 million guest workers into the U.S. during the next 10 years with the majority of those being STEM workers.
TAKE A STAND! — SPEEA is asking all union members and supporters to join technical and professional workers in urging Congress to include key worker protections in the immigration reform bills now before the House. Please click here to send a message urging your U.S. Representative to balance the real, and immediate, need for immigration reform with the long-term growth and success of the domestic workforce across all sectors.