‘Working Democracy’ conference April 25 at UW in Seattle
SEATTLE — Rising inequality. Unions on the defensive. A new minimum wage. Rallies and marches. More and more, the headlines of today center on the workplace.
On Friday, the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies hosts a free conference bringing together national journalists and scholars, local labor and community leaders, and everyday workers to explore the politics behind the headlines.
“Working Democracy: Labor and Politics in an Era of Inequality” will be from 1 to 9 p.m. on Friday, April 25 in Seattle at the University of Washington’s Student Union Building (HUB) in Room 250. This conference will document the problems and pose the tough questions: How are rising inequality and political deadlock connected? What happens when job security becomes job insecurity? And what is being done to stem the tide?
Panels will explore the political roots and consequences of the ongoing crisis of inequality as well as possible solutions, including strategies for empowering workers and making government more responsive. Special attention will be given to Seattle’s emergence as a center for novel organizing strategies, political campaigns, and policy initiatives.
Click here for more details about the full program.
Prior to the conference at 11:30 a.m., all are invited to join in commemorating 2014 Worker Memorial Day, beginning with a procession in UW’s Red Square and a ceremony following in Odegaard Library, Room 220. Get details.