‘1,000 Days Without a Raise’ rally Mar. 18 at Space Needle
SEATTLE (March 12, 2015) — Space Needle workers have gone more than 1,000 days without a raise. But despite a hostile, anti-union climate inside the Space Needle, workers have actively continued to organize for long-delayed raises. The owners of the Space Needle — who come from one of Seattle’s wealthiest families — have responded to workers’ call for raises with a condescending webinar instructing them on how to “live on less.”
All union members and community supporters are encouraged to show solidarity with Space Needle workers and UNITE HERE Local 8 as they continue to stand up for the Seattle values of fairness and prosperity for all. Make plans to attend the Space Needle workers’ “1,000 Days Without a Raise” rally on Wednesday, March 18 at 9:30 a.m. at the Space Needle (at Seattle Center, near the Space Needle ticket booth).
In the meantime, you can help by visiting this online petition and adding your name in support of workers.