UW Neighborhood Clinic workers unionize
The following is from SEIU Healthcare 1199NW:
SEATTLE (April 4, 2017) — Healthcare workers are stronger together! SEIU Healthcare 1199NW is proud to welcome the more than 300 MAs, PSRs, Lab Techs, Rad Techs, Nutritionists, RNs, and more from UW Neighborhood Clinics who voted overwhelmingly to unite with us this week. The caregivers from 12 clinics came together to form their union for a voice on the job and improvements in staffing and recruitment and retention.
“With this win, we’ve made it clear that we want to make UW Neighborhood Clinics a better place,” said Joseph Pa, a Radiologic Technologist at the UW Neighborhood Clinics Ravenna. “We came together across 12 different clinics and now we can have a seat at the table and be part of the decisions that affect us, our families and our patients.”
The caregivers voted nearly 2-to-1 in favor of uniting in one strong union to negotiate improvements with UW Medicine. They join the more than 2,500 other SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members at UW Medicine Harborview Medical Center, UW Medicine Northwest Hospital, and UW Medicine Valley Medical Center.
“I am ecstatic that the union election was successful,” said Hannah Vancitters, a PSR Lead at the Woodinville clinic. “Our victory demonstrates what we are capable of when we unite for a common goal. Winning this election by such a large margin gives me hope for the future of our network and reassures me that we can come together to build a strong contract that will truly support our needs at every level.”
The caregivers will now identify bargaining priorities and elect a bargaining committee to negotiate a first contract.
SEIU Healthcare 1199NW is 29,000 nurses and healthcare workers united to improve their jobs and the care they give.
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