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House candidate Gillespie earns early endorsement from WSLC

VANCOUVER (Feb. 20, 2018) — The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO — the state’s largest union organization representing the interests of more than 600 labor organizations with more than 450,000 members across the state — has endorsed Kathy Gillespie, Democratic candidate for State Representative in the 18th Legislative District.

The WSLC Executive Board voted to take the early endorsement action at its February meeting, citing Gillespie’s background in education, her experience as a journalist, and her commitment to advocating for working families. She is the first legislative candidate in the state to earn the WSLC’s recommendation. Most of the council’s endorsements will be voted upon at a special convention in May.

“Kathy Gillespie is a proven leader and an outstanding candidate who cares deeply about what our members in Clark County care about — improving public education and investing in infrastructure to create family-wage jobs,” said WSLC President Jeff Johnson. “Our board decided she was clearly the best choice in this important race, so we acted now to support her candidacy.”

Gillespie has served on the Board of Directors for Vancouver Public Schools for eight years, and prior to that, was an award-winning newspaper editor and reporter. The Southwest Washington Central Labor Council, representing unions in the region, interviewed Gillespie about her positions on working family issues and was so impressed that they asked the WSLC to make the early endorsement.

“Kathy Gillespie will be a champion for Clark County’s working families,” said Shannon Walker, President of the SW Washington CLC. “She is a community leader who has been a key part of the innovation and success at Vancouver Public Schools. We know she’ll be an excellent advocate for working people in Clark County as a Washington State Representative. We are proud to have her back!”

The WSLC’s 2018 Committee on Political Education (COPE) Convention will be Saturday, May 19 at the Machinists District 751 Hall, 9125 15th Pl. S. in Seattle. The WSLC’s 600-plus affiliated unions will receive their COPE Convention calls 90 days prior to the event notifying them of the number of delegates and alternates they can send.

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