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Register for workers’ comp conference Oct. 4-5 in Olympia

Every two years, union members and others interested in Washington’s workers’ compensation system gather to hear from expert speakers and presenters about the changes and policy issues affecting the safety net for injured workers. This year’s conference isn’t until October, but registration is now open and seats are already being filled.

The 2018 “Meeting of the Minds” Conference, sponsored by the Project Help program, will be Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4-5 at the RL Hotel, 2300 Evergreen Park Dr. SW, in Olympia. Click here to register online, or download, fill out and return this registration form. The $195 early-bird registration fee covers materials, refreshments and lunch for both days. But that deal ends Sept. 14, after which the registration fee will be $225, so register today!

Presented by the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO and the state Department of Labor and Industries, this conference features industry professionals sharing a wide variety of high-level topics geared for all points of understanding and interest. The conference should appeal to union representatives, rank-and-file workers, employers and others affected by the workers’ compensation system.

Focusing on the latest developments relating to changes in policy and rules under the Revised Code of Washington Title 51 and the Washington Administrative Code, this conference is one of the surest investments you can make in your workers’ compensation education. (See the agenda.)

In addition, you can earn vocational and continuing-education credits by attending:

WA State Bar Association Credits, Law & Legal 7.5, other 4.5 credits, Activity #: 1075414
CDMS, Voc., 12 Clock Hrs. General, Activity W1001532, Approval: 20170917
CRCC, Voc., 12 Clock Hrs. General, Program/Activity TRN2300024
SI Continuing Education Credits 10.5 Claims Mgmt./1.5 Legal, Course ID: 000-0818-0698
Note – There are no splitting credits.

Don’t wait! Submit your registration today. For more information, contact Project Help at 1-800-255-9752, visit its website, or email Kathy Petruzzelli.

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!