13,000 Providence healthcare workers preparing to strike
UPDATE (Jan. 6, 2020) — Providence and Swedish healthcare workers from across the state have postponed announcing a strike date after negotiators “made significant progress on key issues” on Jan. 2 in contract talks. Both sides were optimistic about reaching a deal in the next week. On Jan. 3, the unions reported:
“Over the last 24 hours joint discussions with all three unions – UFCW 21, SEIU Healthcare 1199 NW and WSNA – and Providence have resulted in the most significant progress to date. As a result of this progress, and the commitment to hold ongoing negotiations during the coming days, the unions have agreed to pause today’s filing of the 10-day notice of a strike.”
Here’s how you can support their fight to improve patient care and safety
RENTON (Dec. 31, 2019) — Providence Health & Services is not being fair to its employees at hospitals across Washington state. Even though Providence has $11 billion in reserves, they are proposing takeaways for employees, not agreeing with common-sense proposals to improve patient care and safety, and are not paying enough to recruit and retain highest quality staff. That’s why, as the new year begins, approximately 13,000 nurses and frontline healthcare workers are planning to strike for patient care and safety.
Here are a few concrete actions that you can take in the coming weeks to show Providence that you support healthcare workers:
► Visit ProvidenceCanDoBetter.com to learn all the different ways that you can get involved in the campaign. Also visit NursesAtTheHeart.com to learn how you can support nurses at Sacred Heart in Spokane.
► Send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper in support of Providence healthcare workers here: www.providencecandobetter.com/letter
► Post support for Providence healthcare workers on social media using the hashtags #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits #UnionStrong #StrikeReady
While healthcare workers negotiate in good faith for patient care and safety, they have faced Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs) from Providence including intimidation, surveillance, and threats to unilaterally cut health care benefits. Just this week, Region 19 of the National Labor Relations Board found that Providence Sacred Heart violated critical elements of the National Labor Relations Act when they coerced, interfered, and even restrained a Providence worker.
These ULPs and others, including interfering with healthcare workers’ right to concerted activity and failing to bargain in good faith, are among the reasons Providence workers are planning to strike.
Thank you for showing solidarity with Providence workers. Stay tuned to The Stand as we begin 2020 for more updates and strike prep information.