WSLC seeking Admin Assistant for workforce, legislative staff
OLYMPIA (Dec. 8, 2021) — The Washington State Labor Council (WSLC), AFL-CIO is seeking applicants for the position of Administrative Assistant for the Workforce and Legislative departments. The WSLC is the largest labor federation in the state, representing more than 600 local unions and some 400,000 union workers and serving as the political, legislative and policy, communications and solidarity arm of the labor movement.
The position will support two of the WSLC’s departments:
Workforce Development Department, which is dedicated to advocating for Washington’s working families from initial entry into the workforce, to career transition, and when facing job loss. It seeks to ensure universal access to portable skills and a voice in career development, promoting continuity for those navigating the workforce system, and assisting Washington’s workforce system to effectively serve both workers and businesses.
Legislative Department, which deeply engages in legislative processes in support of the labor movement’s shared priorities, and to further affiliates’ individual interests in state government. Priority policy areas include health systems, workers’ compensation, workplace health and safety, job creation in construction and manufacturing, unemployment insurance, tax and revenue, climate, transportation, child care, K-12 and higher education, apprenticeship and workforce development, and more.
The Workforce and Legislative Department Administrative Assistant will be based out of the WSLC’s Olympia office and serve on a team with four Workforce Directors in the WSLC’s Olympia office AND on a team with two Legislative Directors in the WSLC’s Seattle office. A large portion of this work is in partnership with another member of the Workforce Department and/or the Legislative Department engaging with the WSLC affiliates and state legislative staff. The successful applicant will report to the WSLC Secretary Treasurer and work as a collaborative member of both the Workforce Development and Legislative teams. This position is represented by Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU) Local 8.
For more information about the position’s requirements, qualifications, compensation and how to apply, see the detailed job posting. Applications are due by Jan. 5, 2022. Black and Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+ folks and people with multilingual skills are strongly encouraged to apply. WSLC is an equal opportunity employer. If you have questions, please email Willa Kamakahi.
Other union staff jobs available in Washington
The Stand, the WSLC’s news service, does not post job announcements for union staff positions, except for those at the WSLC itself. Union members and other progressive folks who are interested in getting staff jobs with labor unions and allied organizations in Washington state, and across the nation, should check out the Union Jobs Clearinghouse at UnionJobs.com. It’s the “central site for posting the open positions in unions and socially allied organizations and community organizations that are now accepting applications.”
The site lists union job openings nationally and by state. For example, union staff job openings in Washington state currently include:
► Washington Education Association is seeking UniServ Directors based in Seattle, Spokane, Yakima and Bellevue, plus a Federal Way-based HR Director and IT Director.
► Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28 in Olympia is seeking a Field Supervisor, Payroll & Benefits Specialist, Spokane-based Associate, and Administrative Assistant.
► Teamsters Local 117 is seeking a Tukwila-based Union Representative.
► SEIU Healthcare 1199NW is seeking a Communications Specialist, Administrative Coordinator, and Union Organizer.
► Machinists District Lodge 160 is seeking a Seattle-based Executive Administrative Assistant.
Those are just a few of the openings currently listed in Washington state. The site also lists positions available at training and apprenticeship programs in the U.S. and Canada.
Unions seeking applicants for their staff job openings can post their announcements at Union Jobs Clearinghouse free of charge.